The Basics of Quantum Theory
This week we will be discussing a single Creationist claim about the Cambrian Explosion and why it is no problem for Evolution. The main science topic for the week is Quantum Theory. Discussed will be the history of quantum mechanics, as well as other bizarre notions that stem from the quantum realm, including tunneling, entanglement, and Schrödinger’s Cat.
The Basics of Quantum Theory
I'm sure you guys have a lot of questions, so feel free to ask!
Schrödinger's Cat and Philosophies of Quantum Mechanics
This ought to clear up what I meant to get across by wave interference.
The mathematical aspect of the wavefunction.
EDIT: The next podcast is NOT going to be on Special Relativity. I want it to be spent clearing up what I thought was poorly explained about quantum mechanics last week. I would GREATLY appreciate any e-mails about what you didn't understand so that I can have some extra material for the show.
The Basics of Quantum Theory
I'm sure you guys have a lot of questions, so feel free to ask!
Schrödinger's Cat and Philosophies of Quantum Mechanics
This ought to clear up what I meant to get across by wave interference.
The mathematical aspect of the wavefunction.
EDIT: The next podcast is NOT going to be on Special Relativity. I want it to be spent clearing up what I thought was poorly explained about quantum mechanics last week. I would GREATLY appreciate any e-mails about what you didn't understand so that I can have some extra material for the show.