Tuesday, July 25, 2006


This podcast will be discussing the nature of time and will talk a bit about time travel. The Creationist claim for the week is in regards to the Law of Biogenesis. I also make mention of a mistake I made in the previous podcast.


Thursday, July 13, 2006

Four Fundamental Forces

This weeks episode is going to describe the four fundamental forces of our universe. First, I'm going to talk a bit about my trip.
Four Fundamental Forces

Well, my computer STILL cannot upload software, but my father was nice enough to upload the podcast for me at his work. I am working fiendishly right now to fix this issue. It's not my computers firewall and it's not my provider company, so it has to do something with my router (which I have been playing around with for about a week now with no luck.) I'll keep everyone updated but in the mean time, enjoy the podcast (the sound isn't the best but I had to get this episode out!)

Sorry for the incredibly long delay.

Saturday, July 08, 2006

Problem With Uploading Software

Guys, I was all ready to release the podcast yesterday night but apparently the new chip in my computer cannot work with the old uploading software I had. I was also unable to upload the podcast on any other program or website. This is really aggravating me. I e-mailed the people who work with the original software and asked if they had an updated version or were coming out with one soon. Until then, I'm going to need to think for a little while to see how I can get the program up. Sorry for yet more delaying, it's been a month and I really wanted to get this one out as soon as I could, and now I run into more trouble..